Story Review No.1: "Tata Selo" written by Rogelio Sicat's


    Tata Selo is the main character of the Literary piece entitled "Tata Selo" written by Rogelio Sicat's. The story revolves around Tata Selo and the accidental murder of Kabesang Tano.

Story Reflection

    As the story progress, I slowly felt bad for Tata Selo due to the circumstances that he had to face. The fact that Kabesang Tano told Tata Selo to leave the farmland of Kabesang Tano is quite amusing to me. I was quite saddened and furious that Kabesanong Tano hurt Tata Selo while Tata Selo begging for Kabesang Tano to remain in the farmland. While the accidental murder happens I was pleased that Kabesong Tano is dead because I despise the way he treated Tata Selo. Tata Selo being in prison made me unhappy. The people who guard the prison made my blood boiled since they treated Tata Selo like a servant. What shocks me the most in the story was the sexual abuse that Saling experiences and it is hinted at in the story. I burst into tears when Tata Selo beg Saling to go home due to the health of Saling a few days ago. At the end of the story, Tata Selo was imprisoned and unavailable to seek justice for his part because of his social status which made me unhappy and hopeless.

The Worst Form of Injustice is Pretended Justice - Plato

    The story portrays the injustice between the rich and poor. Tata Selo is a low class, in terms of socio-economic status. (refers to the category of persons who have more or less the same economic privileges in a society.). As the story told Tata Selo wasn't able to seek legal consultation to protect his right as a part of the community. The mistreatment of the police to their prisoners and their social status, the sexual harassment and manipulation they did to Saling, and the greediness for money lead to Injustice and Oppression. Oppression is prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control. The people who served the community such as the police in the story are blinded by money and social status and they act accordingly if they will benefit something out from it. When they should be the ones who represent Justice and Fairness for all the community and instead of being greedy and unfair.

"Justice is Blind" - Langston Hughes

    As a young person were incapable of being heard and do something to seek fairness and justice. But for me, I would strongly suggest that we should fight as long as we are right and abide by the law. If I would be a part of the story I would likely voice out fairness and justice and seek Legal Consultations with Tata Selo and seek help and reduce the prison sentence of Tata Selo because accidental murder is still murder. But realistically speaking, considering the time and mindset of the people in that era, it might be a waste of time because injustice is still stronger in that era, unlike today many people fight and have the courage to voice out and protect what is right.

Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere - Martin Luther King

    My first idea of this story when I read the title is that the story will be all about a father. As I read the story I have been thinking about what moral lessons it would teach me to realize that our father loved and cared for us. My idea and expectation are still portrayed in the story but what surprises me is how the story portrays the injustice system. As I read the story I was anticipated whether Tata Selo would be able to protect himself from the injustice and deemed as societal norms in that era but in the end injustice and unfairness rule them all.
